Saturday, 26 April 2014

Perler Bead Showcase!

Hey guys!
I'm back!!! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, I've been very busy lately.

Anyways, today I come with a Perler bead showcase! I make these all the time and I have so many. I find that they are so fun. Here is a picture of all of mine below.

Pretty cool, right? As you can see, I have a total of 27 Perler bead projects. Now I am going to show singles of everything I have in the picture above.

Berry Fudgesicle.


Cassette tapes

Milk carton

Melted colours heart

Pinkie Pie



Eyeball bows

Pokebow, Pikabow, bow with Pokeball, and rainbow bow








A tooth


Gumball machine


That's all we've got today folks!

Thanks for reading,
Tofu <3

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Minecraft Pixel Art: Totoro

Hey geeks from around the world!
How are ya guys doing? I guess I haven't blogged for a while...

Anyways, I've been making pixel art on Minecraft, and I decided to share with you the Totoro I made yesterday. I think you guys will like it!

Here it is below ↓

Isn't it awesome? It took me about an hour and a half to make it. 

How did I do it? Well, a magician never tells his secrets, am I right? Some of you probably know anyways.

Oh! I am now working on a Harlequin and I will make sure I post a picture of it on here when it is done.

Thank you so much for reading!

Take a shwim, Jim!
Geeky Tofu.

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